Friday, February 6, 2009

Myths of Consulting That Are Actually True

A post at Freelance Folder was recently brought to my attention -

10 Things You’ve Heard About Freelancing That Are Actually True

While I agree with most of it, these dispelled myths of freelancing (or consulting) come after a result of hard work and sacrifice. I always tell people that making the move to consulting should never be taken lightly or pursued with false promises.

After reviewing the list of 10 things, I'd be interested hearing about your own experiences and whether or not you think these things are in fact true.


Anonymous said...

When I was laid off at MPC, I had a lot of people telling me to go solo & it honestly scared me to death for a lot of the reasons that the article listed.
I think there is a happy medium somewhere. You can work for a company that has a culture of a bunch of consultants with the underlying tone of "it's a 24/7 world, get your work done, have results & the rest will fall into place."
If you get a chance check out Cali & Jody who wrote "Work Sucks & How to Fix it" which believes work & life is NOT like it use to be.

Justin Beller said...

In other posts I have mentioned that one of the best ways to get into consulting is to establish a consulting business while you are employed. When you get laid off or fired from a job, that's the wrong time because you are not in the right frame of mind.

When you say happy medium, I think you hit the nail on the head and that's what I mean by building a practice while employed.