Friday, August 22, 2008

E-Book Review: Making Money in Your Pajamas - A Freelancer's Handbook from the oDesk Insider

Independent consultants who have been in business for a short while know one thing: approximately half of your time is spent marketing your services. Unfortunately, when you spend time marketing your services, you are not generating an income doing work you can bill for. Sometimes you are spending money just to get an opportunity to make money.

TVCNet member Sarah Lewis has written an e-book that will help new consultants, and even those who have been in business for a while and would like new streams of income, generate business through an online service called oDesk. oDesk is an online marketplace, so to speak, for freelancers and consultants to promote their services. Businesses or other consultants use oDesk as a resource to find talent to help on projects.

Sarah's book, Making Money in Your Pajamas: A Freelancer’s Handbook from the oDesk Insider serves three purposes. First, it explores whether or not freelancing (or consulting) is right for you and if you are prepared for it. Second, it discusses the oDesk service and how you can put your best foot foward to create a profile and presence in the service that will attract the type of work you are looking for. Finally, it discusses doing the work you are hired to do and being paid for your services.

Unlike other books that I have read on similar subjects, Sarah's book does an excellent job discussing the work (freelancing/consulting) and the tool (oDesk) and how they are linked together.

Making Money in Your Pajamas: A Freelancer’s Handbook from the oDesk Insider is available for purchase and download at oDesk Insider.

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